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If you're reading this, then somehow you stumbled into my tiny corner of the web. There is no over arching scheme to this. It's just a blog by a woman with jumbled thoughts that spill out from time to time. I'm all over the place and I'm sure that will shine brightly throughout my writing. I'm not sure if any of that said anything about me... Lawyer. Texan. Gemini. Aggie. That did ;)



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Monday, August 27, 2012

Falling leaves you feeling like a failure that rocks you to the core…

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"Great spirits have always encountered violent oppression from mediocre minds."            - Albert Einstein

Falling is easy. Getting up is the true test.

No one likes a pity party. I like to be upbeat, confident, perky, silly, and goofy. And I like to maintain those qualities even when everything has gone to hell in a hand basket and all I want to do is breakdown. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, I don’t like showing weakness. I was told once that I walked around like I was the Queen of Sheba. I was taken aback by that comment and somewhat confused because I had no idea what that man was talking about. Later, I thought about it. If you see me walking down the street, I walk like I own the damn block. Put me in a courtroom and I have my game face on and I give off this “I’m the shit” vibe. It started out as a defense mechanism, now it just happens. I walk into a room and I can be nervous with a basket full of butterflies swirling in my stomach, but on the outside? I look like I’m the shit. My mannerisms and the way I carry myself has been tailored and molded so that no matter how much of a nervous wreck I am, you will never know it because I look like I know what I’m doing all the time, even when I don’t. I wait until I’m in a room somewhere by myself before I let my guard down. But I digress…there’s that vulnerability again.

There is a reoccurring dream that has me leaping out of my sleep sometimes. I’m falling continuously with no end in sight. Falling. Falling through a dark, deep black, purple sky. A paralyzing fear grips me, heart pulsating through my chest. I can hear it in my ears. There’s no sound though. There’s never any sound; no scream pushes out my lungs to my lips. I’m breathing quickly. In. Out. In. Out. There’s a jerk and I’m awake…

Naturally, I went to Google, as I’m the Google queen, and looked up the meaning of falling dreams. They all say much of the same thing with a slight variation here and there. There’s usually some description about anxiety, sometimes something about feeling out of control, and other times something about being afraid of something (maybe the unknown?). As many times as I’ve had this type of dream, I can’t possibly be having those types of feelings constantly…or can I? I feel like I’ve been on this never ending rollercoaster ride for awhile now, but not the fun kind that gives you an adrenaline rush. It’s the kind of rollercoaster ride that feels like the tracks are one screw from sending you careening through the air to plunge downward to the Earth in a violent crash. It doesn’t sound pleasant, right? Neither has the last couple of years for me, but I grin and bear it, as much as it has sucked the life out of me. If this is God’s way of trying to tell me something, then I’m all ears. I’m here and I’m listening. And If I’m not getting it, please help me get it because I’m ready to stop holding my breath and get off this crazy ride. In limbo doesn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg. Have I failed? I’m 28 and what really do I have to show for it? That’s what I was thinking the other day. I’ve failed at so many things…jobs, interviews, relationships, friendships, missed opportunities. Why haven’t I been able to get it right? Or is what I think and where I should be two different things and I haven’t realized it yet? I’m at a loss here.

I had a vision when I was 16 of how my life would play out. I’d go to college to get a degree and go on to have an amazing career. Then I’d have the perfect husband with the perfect cookie cutter family. I wanted my 2.5 kids with the golden retriever and the white picket fence. Who came up with the whole golden retriever part anyways? Not really my type of dog. I’d rather have something else. Anyways, that was my 16 year old naïve dream. Does this make me a failure? I think we are our own worst enemies. I have such high hopes for myself. I want to be and do everything for everybody. I want to be the best, I don’t want to stumble and fall. I don’t want to make mistakes, but I do. All the time. How many mistakes does it take before you become a failure? 1…2…3? This isn’t a commercial and you can’t ask an owl in reading glasses how many licks it takes to become a failure and get a simple answer. Life doesn’t work that way.

You’d be amazed at how you look through someone else’s eyes. Some would be surprised at how amazing someone else thinks you are. I’ve been told twice in less than three days how much I’ve accomplished and how proud two different people are of me that are not related to me. It was like being shocked with a defibrillator. I’m not gonna lie, I teared up because neither of these people have any idea how lost I’ve been. I may not have fulfilled the dream of an innocent 16 year old child, but I’ve turned out to be a decent human being and a lawyer at the same time. Whatever downs I’ve gone through, going through, and will go through are for a reason. I firmly believe and have always believed that everything happens for a reason. You can look back at your life and pinpoint the little turning points here and there that have put you where you are now. Oddly enough, after you’ve gone through a season, things turn out the way they should and if you like the person you are, you wouldn’t change the path of that yellow brick road because you wouldn’t be who are. Life will never be easy and there will always be something. That’s not to say that I won’t feel defeated at times. Having the strength of a mustard seed is not easy. I’m human, not perfect. I have to remind myself that it’s not the challenge that counts; it’s how I solve the challenge and what comes out on the other side that matters.

Remember...You is kind. You is smart. You is important. You are a child of God.


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