“In the days before automobiles, people in
horse-drawn wagons used to sleep if they were tired. They didn't worry about
getting lost, because the horse knew the way home. Your heart knows the way to
your gifts. You can trust it to take you to them.”
― Barbara Sher, What Do I Do When I Want To Do Everything?: A Revolutionary Programme For Doing Everything That You Love
― Barbara Sher, What Do I Do When I Want To Do Everything?: A Revolutionary Programme For Doing Everything That You Love

While having a conversation with a colleague
last week, I expressed a feeling of restlessness that was incessantly nagging
on me, creeping into my subconscious mind, camping out in the corner,
whispering for me to do things.
Start this…establish that…model here…act over
there…travel to Peru and volunteer in a village…do EVERYTHING.
As a result of my midday conversation with said
colleague, I may not be selling all my belongs, but I have decided to make a
blog about travel and food. I would like to take submissions from my friends
and hosts them on the blog as well as my own adventures.
It’s currently just a work in progress, but I’m
already working on my first posts when I launch. After a slight ski fail in
Colorado, I packed up and visited my friend DeShun in Las Vegas where we went….*gasp*
skiing! I know, some of you are saying, “what? how?” And I will answer that
when I launch the new blog that will be independent of this one.
The hurdle and struggle for me will be keeping
up with both blogs. I haven’t written in my blog since December. Hopefully, I
won’t fall into the business as usual model I’ve been practicing since I started
blogging. I haven’t mastered the art of consistency for my personal blog, but
maybe this new venture I’m starting will be the catalyst that reels me in.
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